Are you growing tired of Facebook games that have absolutely no depth and simply consist of nice graphics without any strategic gameplay like Farmville, Mafia Wars etc.? Well, so was I to say the least. I believe I can do better than this and so I teamed up with Daniel West (graphics, storyline) and Francesca Sciarmella (3D graphics) in February to build a full-scale strategic game.

The basic idea is that you are the ruler of a race (one of the 5 below), start off with a single planet and basic research, and will then gradually advance as you colonise or invade new worlds, research new technologies, trade with other players, form alliances and fight wars.

  • 2010-03-23_040016
  • til-lanic
  • moy-u
  • corran
  • aqualanic
  • human


On the technical side, the game will be running on PHP (using the symfony framework), with JavaScript/AJAX optionally. We are aiming to make the game available on several platforms, such as PC or mobile devices (Android, iPhone).

As of now, we have a working prototype and beta tests are coming up soon. Also, see above for a screen shot of the current prototype (planet view).

Stay tuned for updates and more details.